A commitment to consciousness is no small deal and I want to, having declared to the ether, make sure that I talked the talk and walked the walk. The path to consciousness being strewn with hypocrites I want to make sure I don't become one of them. I see the path to greater consciousness as being one of constant work and improvement. It won't just happen over night. Although I did once listen to an Alan Watts bit of audio which suggests that we all hold a belief about how hard it is to free our minds, when actually it is just a simple case of snapping out of it, remembering our selves.
However I digress, and so rather than declaring that my resolutions are resolute and that if I miss one day I have failed, I choose to see them as aims for the year, I can assess their progress when I write next years list.
I must admit something... funnily enough I haven't been totally conscious from the beginning of the year, I have daydreamed. But its not a failure just something to be aware of, each day is a new day.
I am keeping it simple, all I have been doing is half an hour of yoga per day and making that practice meditative by really focusing on my breath. Even just this simple daily practice has had a lovely effect of bringing me back into my body. To the now. And I feel that physical consciousness being remembered and felt more throughout each day. When I walk down the hall, wash the dishes, sit and write, smile at the children - I am there ( more often than before). In addition to the physical practice a small bit of reading per day, some wise words to keep the mind occupied and remembering.
However I have been taken by surprise that I have actually had a bit of a short temper, I have been feeling more forthright. Perhaps I have had too much coffee or no sleep and actually today I feel like I have turned another corner, and am feeling more calm. And so assuming it is the result of new practices I speculate that the anger is either my ego disliking being whipped into shape, throwing back its head in contempt, resisting the training or perhaps that I am attached to an idea of achieving the goal of consciousness, and so anything that makes my desire feel thwarted is angering me. I am blaming external influences for my sense of calm. I have actually felt like I could have chosen to be angry when I have been, I have seen the option and yet the decision has been made before I can intervene and I have gone with it. Hopefully as my consciousness increases I will be quicker off the mark and be able to stop the anger before it gets a hold.
Small step by small step will be the way until it becomes natural.
This Sunday is the new moon, the first of the year and a fantastic time to revisit those resolutions. Its like a second chance to restart the year. It is time to keep what I have started and add another simple tool to the disciplines. A daily meditation. Ideally I will build it up to a daily half and hour, however I will be gentle with my ego, so it barely notices me chipping away at its hegemony, and just start with a simple five minutes per day. At the opposite end of the day to when I do the yoga practice. Thus creating two points of stillness to navigate between, to shed some light on the day.